Overseas People and Hordes of Human Traffickers

Overseas Employment
Overseas people and hordes of human traffickers who are always ready to swallow them because they are easy targets.

Overseas People and Hordes of Human Traffickers

Introduction to Overseas and Hordes of Human Traffickers

Overseas people and hordes of human traffickers who are always ready to swallow them because they are easy targets.

Developing Country

Pakistan is a developing country where there is a long queue of unemployed people when the government of Pakistan gives job aid but hardly anyone is lucky enough to get a job because most of the candidates do not meet the criteria to get the job. As an experience, age limit or grades in education are not such that one can get a job, in such a case we are not raising an educated class but an educated disappointed class.

Neither lack of Educated People Nor a skilled people

There is neither lack of educated people nor a lack of skilled people in Pakistan. Overseas people Pakistani youths are excellent in every respect, only they need to be motivated and create jobs for them because it is this intelligent class that will elevate and develop Pakistan. But when they don’t get jobs here, they turn to other countries.

Gulf Countries

Many young people of Pakistan go to the Gulf countries and many search for jobs in Europe.
They have to pay a huge price to go to other countries. Some people invest their entire life’s savings for the bright future of their children. If a member of the family goes out, the life of the whole family will change

Playthings in the hands of human traffickers

And that’s why some unknowingly get stung and become playthings in the hands of human traffickers. Some reach their destination and some die of hunger and disease on the way, otherwise, some are killed by human traffickers.

Why does this happen?

Is it the helplessness of our society?

Young people want to go abroad to earn foreign exchange for their country so that they can contribute to the development of the country so that they can go abroad and earn good money. These young people are the real capitalists in the development of the country.

Overseas Employment
Youngsters going abroad take an online computer-based language test conducted by the Overseas Employment Corporation.Read More

Asian countries

In Asian countries, young people from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India go to other countries. Why does it happen that Pakistani young people are killed by human traffickers? What is the main reason for this?

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Avoid human traffickers

The main reason for this is that people don’t know the proper way to go out to avoid human traffickers and to earn a living for themselves and their families. Approach a government agency or an organization that supplies manpower to another country. We instead look for a short-cut path that wastes both our time and money. And sometimes lives are destroyed.

Boat sinking in Greece

One such incident happened recently in which dozens of young people died in a boat sinking in Greece. Many families were devastated, and the hopes of many families were drowned. Anyone who goes to earn money in another country or thinks of going, it’s not because they like to move away from their homes, it’s not because they can’t find a job here that makes them want to move away from their homes.

Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia

A large number of skilled Pakistanis overseas people work in Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia. They mostly do professional work there such as welding, driving, fabrication, and construction industry. They spend their whole lives in these countries, working double shifts, then they can go and earn a good income.

Educated and skilled youth

Similarly educated and skilled youth go to Europe and earn because they have not gone through proper channels so their income is very less than those who go through regular proper channels. Going to another country through a registered organization which is registered with the government will save them both time and money and they will be able to get a better job according to their education.

Affiliated Organizations

But how do you know which organizations are affiliated with the government and which are human traffickers? The only way to find out is to contact the government’s manpower supply agency or visit their website.

See details

Ministry of Labor and Manpower Supply

Visit the Ministry of Labor and Manpower Supply website to see which agencies are registered by the government for manpower supply and in which countries jobs are available for Pakistanis. We will get the details of all this from this website, but apart from that, we also get to know how many jobs are there in which country and what will be the accommodation and food arrangements, overtime work facilities will be available and salary information also. All this information is available on the online website.

Government of Pakistan has manpower supply agreement

There are many countries with which the Government of Pakistan has manpower supply agreement and you neither need to pay a lot of visa fees nor do you need any special skills to go and earn there. Where travel expenses are also cover by the company of the country employing you, accommodation, meals, pick and drop facilities, medical insurance are all available.

Regular procedure

But since they have a regular procedure to be followed, most of our youths are deceived by it, thinking that the procedure will be long and tedious when on the contrary, the procedure is very easy.
And the best part is that there are no problems like fraud or human trafficking.

Question arises

The question arises how will we know and how can we apply in these countries, what is the age limit, and can we go through the government of Pakistan and earn so much that the more we earn, the better the farm? If we can feel it, the answer is yes, we can earn so much that we feel better about ourselves.

All expenses paid by the company

For this, the age limit is between 18 to 39 years, and without monthly overtime, we can earn a salary of two Lakhs if we want to do overtime. So it is a separate facility apart from all expenses pay by the company accommodation food medical pick and drop all pay by company.

Famous institution in Pakistan

For this, a famous institution in Pakistan regularly teaches the language of the country for which you are applying. Generally, these jobs come twice a year. And many young overseas people go from their country to another country. By adopting this legal method. And earn very well income. But there are many who are unaware of this. And lose their lives at the hands of human traffickers.

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