The Value of Freedom and Independence

14 August Independence day of Pakistan
Think well before selecting your leader, and when you have selected him, follow him. But in case you find his policy detrimental to your interests, kick him out.(Muhammad Ali Jinnah)

The Value of Freedom and Independence

The value of freedom can only be known to those who do not have this blessing like Palestine, Kashmir, and other countries that are fighting for their freedom.

Introduction To Independence and Freedom

Or those Pakistanis who sacrificed during the establishment of Pakistan can know the value of freedom only for one day.  Remember the day of August 14, 1947, when millions of people migrated, left their homes, their lands, and their wealth, and came to Pakistan, helpless and helpless.  It is difficult to predict the condition that they would have happily lived through, but families who have lived through these conditions tell their generations to appreciate Pakistan.

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True Meaning of Freedom

The true meaning of freedom is known only by our forefathers. We have not seen even a cent of their hardships just to live a glorious life with freedom.  The value of freedom does not mean that we have to wear green clothes, the value of freedom means to thank Allah Almighty who blessed us with this country and we can breathe in this free atmosphere.

Important Developments Today

However, there will be two important developments today, one is that Prime Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif will hand over his post to Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar, who will perform the duties of the Prime Minister until the election. Anwarul Haq Kakar is from Baluchistan and was also a senator, but now Senate has resigned from membership.

Freedom and Independence
Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with us.(Muhammad Ali Jinnah)Read More

Former PM Shahbaz Sharif

On this occasion, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif says that August 14 is not only a celebration of political freedom, we need to move forward with unity and self-confidence, on Independence Day, today we stand with the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and our Palestine’s Brothers.

Message of Today

 While congratulating the nation on the 76th Independence Day of Pakistan, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said in a message that he pays tribute to the men, women, and children who fought for Pakistan.

Determination and Dedication

 The Prime Minister said that the people had set an excellent example of determination and dedication for the achievement of Pakistan. The great leaders of Pakistan deserve our gratitude for this precious gift.

Separate Land for Muslims

He said that the struggle for a separate homeland is a reflection of an idea rooted in the hope of a better tomorrow, the idea was for a country where our people could explore their potential. Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that the concept of Pakistan was great, we can live a life of peace and prosperity according to our wonderful traditions, ethics, culture, and values.

 Father Of Nation

Quaid-e-Azam proved that Muslims are a distinct nation in every respect, Quaid-e-Azam led a peaceful democratic and political struggle. Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that Kashmir’s are constantly struggling against the brutal Indian occupation, Pakistan is committed to providing political, moral, and diplomatic support to the people of Occupied Kashmir.

Kashmir’s People are Our Brothers and Sisters

He further said that the people of Occupied Kashmir have shown extraordinary passion and resistance against the Indian oppressive occupation, and the international community should take notice of the human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir.  Advocate for a peaceful solution.

Freedom to live and worship

A separate homeland for Muslims. They can live according to their beliefs. But other communities should also have the freedom to live and worship. According to their religions in this independent state.

Love For Country

The feeling of love for one’s country should not limited to just one day. But love for Pakistan should include in the blood of a person. So that those martyrs who sacrificed their Life and homes for the establishment of Pakistan. Should rewarded for their elders kindness towards us. We should not called a nation that forgets kindness. Our elders took hardships for this pure land. So that future generations can breathe in free air. We have tried to become their true rights. Not to let their sacrifices go in vain, and to make Pakistan a great country by keeping their hard work.

Freedom is A Blessing

The blessing of freedom that Allah Almighty has given us. We pray that Allah Almighty will protect this freedom. Let us be thankful for our independence and be able to appreciate it. And give such leaders who will make our country developed. And make us a dignify nation.

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