How To Learn A New Language

Guidelines for Learning a Foreign Language

How to learn a new language
Techniques of learning a different languages

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Studying Languages

The process of learning a language is difficult and time-consuming; it calls for commitment, perseverance, and hard effort. You presumably already know that if you’re reading this.

The fact that there are strategies you may employ to make the most of your time and energy when studying may come as a surprise to you. This tutorial explores some of the fundamental ideas that underpin successful language acquisition before outlining several exercises that might help you put these ideas into practise. Create a strategic study schedule using these tools to advance your language abilities.

What Is The Most Effective Method For Learning A Language?

We understand that learning a new language may be difficult, frustrating, and occasionally outright impossible. discovering the most effective method to learn a new language? That seems essentially unattainable. There are many different schools of thought on science, theories, and learning methods, and some languages are actually simpler to learn than others. Maybe you can write Spanish to save your life, but you’re brilliant at speaking French. Despite the challenges, multilingualism is fast gaining popularity worldwide, and being bilingual is becoming a much-desired résumé addition. Here are some innovative suggestions on how to learn a new language to help you rekindle and revitalise your desire to do so or to enhance the remarkable abilities you’ve already attained:

1. Take A Look At Online Courses (Like Lingodeer)

Check out LingoDeer if you’re looking for online language education. Your language learning will advance thanks to LingoDeer. Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and other languages are available. Their courses were developed by language teachers, and the system includes an integrated flashcard feature. Additionally, LingoDeer offers stories for you to read and say so you may improve your skills more quickly because mastering a new language requires you to actually *speak* it!

Additionally, working with a live instructor is among the most efficient ways to learn a language. You can look among more than 32,000 teachers who teach more than 40 languages using Preply. This is a fantastic method to learn from locals, integrate into a new culture, and maintain complete schedule flexibility.

2. Take Advantage Of The Radio

Try listening to a radio station in your target language online, via a podcast, or while driving, similar to watching a foreign film. Try to grasp as much as you can, and jot down any words you don’t understand but are familiar with so you can look them up (pro tip: listening to the news in a foreign language is an amazing and incredibly intense method to start learning vocabulary and conversational structures fast!).

3. Record Information (By Hand)

Despite the fact that handwriting appears to be a thing of the past due to rapid technological advancement, don’t undervalue the ability of writing things down to trigger your memory! Whenever I start learning a new language — I’m trying Croatian at the moment – I keep an old-fashioned notepad where I can write down all the new words and the main grammar elements. Writing the words down actually helps me remember them better, and using different coloured inks makes it even more appealing.

4. Observe TV In Your Foreign Tongue

No matter where you reside or what new language you plan to learn, it is now incredibly simple to obtain TV shows and films in their native language. In order to watch sequences multiple times without getting discouraged, I would advise starting with short episodes. Watch without subtitles (or with English subtitles) at first, then turn on your original language’s subtitles and see if you can follow along. In your notebook, make note of any idiomatic expressions or specific words that you are unfamiliar with. Beware: I frequently hear from students that “I should watch a cartoon, it’s for children so it must be easy!” however bear in mind that cartoons are meant for children, not adults. For native speakers and frequently employ kid-friendly terminology, which is not always simple or helpful for you to learn!

5. Your Social Networks’ Language Settings Need Be Changed

I always advise my students to start by switching all of their devices and social media accounts to their target language. I still use an online translator when I need to download something from my Croatian-speaking Facebook, but you will see that in no time you will get used to verbs like “share”, “like”, “cancel”, or “read” that may be very useful when travelling or reading business emails! It isn’t easy at first to scroll through posts, read messages, or even make a call when you are unsure about the words you read on screen.

6. Open Your Mouth And Have A Go

Speaking of comfort zones, you should never be afraid of speaking the target language. First of all, native speakers are usually flattered to see that somebody is making an effort to make themselves understood. Secondly, as someone said: “never make fun of someone who speaks a broken English. It just means that they speak at least another language” and this is true for any language. Finally, when you can’t get your message through or cannot understand, it just means that the communication goal has not been reached; you should still give yourself another chance, and just relax. Remember it is not necessarily due to your language level, so breathe, try again and it will definitely work out alright!

Three Suggestions For Learning A Second Language

When it comes right down to it, there are countless methods for learning a foreign language. There will be specific strategies that you discover that will work really well for you personally because learning styles differ from person to person; nonetheless, here are a few general, last-minute recommendations that can work for all language learners:

  • Be Patient With Yourself Don’t be too hard on yourself. Nothing is more upsetting than believing you are in a rut and not moving forward. It is crucial to remember that learning a language is similar to entering a completely new universe, and it will take some time (this is the unsavoury truth about studying languages abroad). Trust your experiences and the information you’ve already learned, and use it to advance your study of a foreign language.
  • Commit To Speaking In The Target Language No matter how you decide to learn a language, make a commitment to yourself that you will only talk and write in the target language while you are doing so. This advice will make sure that you are doing everything in your power to thoroughly engage yourself with your target language, especially if you are unable to move overseas right away and fully immerse yourself in the language. Don’t underestimate your abilities; you can succeed!
  • Make Friends With Native Speakers Having friends or study partners is usually a fantastic idea, but if you know a native speaker of the language you are attempting to learn, go above and beyond and become involved with them! Native speakers are excellent teachers (and the greatest way to learn a language) because they are knowledgeable about every aspect of the language, are fluent in conversation, and can impart slang, jokes, and cultural references that you might not otherwise be aware of.

Programmes That Make Learning A New Language Simple

We’ve searched through our directories to find the top language-learning programmes available because we love you *THAT* much. It’s crucial to be aware that there are many programmes available ready to support your language learning efforts in addition to some practical and original language learning advice. The most well-liked languages to study abroad are listed below, along with the top courses to make sure you become fluent in them:


Chinese is primarily studied in ChinaHong Kong, or Taiwan. As they say, variety (and Sichuan peppercorns!) are the spice of life. Consider one of these Chinese language programs:

Learn Chinese in China with Go Abroad China

Join an Immersion Program at Chinese Language Institute


The best way to learn Spanish is to live in a native speaking country, whether in Spain or Latin America. Explore one of the following Latin American program options:

Join Máximo Nivel and Study Spanish in Costa Rica, Guatemala, or Perú

Spend a Semester in Ecuador with CISabroad


All five continents offer the opportunity to study the language of love, but we are aware that Europe and Northern Africa offer the best French language instruction.

Study French in Rabat, Morocco this Summer with Lankey

Enroll in French Courses in Paris with Eurocentres


Poetry, rhythm, and ancient texts: learning Arabic abroad is no easy task, but remains incredibly rewarding for those who endure!

Study Arabic at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel

Take Advantage of Lankey’s Summer Arabic Courses in Morocco


A Romance language spoken across a variety of places like Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique, and Portugal – where will YOU learn Portuguese?!

Learn Portuguese in Brazil with ESL Language Studies Abroad

Attend Intensive Portuguese Courses in Lisbon at Iberlinguas


As of 2003, estimates claim that nonnative English speakers outnumbered native speakers by a ratio of 3 to 1. Huzzah!

Attend New York Language School in Midtown

Join New Hampton School’s Accelerated English Language Program



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