Global pandemic World not ready Review Reports

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According to reports, the world is not ready to deal with the next global pandemic

Global pandemic World not ready Review Reports

Global pandemic, review reports said. World not ready for next global pandemic, review reports. A report based on a recent global assessment recommended an immediate $10 billion fund for pandemic prevention and preparedness. A recent global assessment has warned that the world is still ill-prepared to deal with a new potential health crisis or pandemic after Covid-19.

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Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

The “Global Preparedness Monitoring Board” or GPMB, establish in 2018 by the World Health Organization and the World Bank, says in its report that something has done regarding the pandemic in the context of the global epidemic of Covid-19. Has done, but few countries are still lacking in preparedness to deal with such crises immediately. The report further states that the progress made in this regard in many other countries is also insufficient.

Disease Surveillance System

For the prevention and control of epidemics, GPMB has suggest that there is a need to improve the surveillance system for various diseases so that diseases can diagnose at an early stage. Similarly, emphasis has place on improving data collection and analytical capacity. In its report base on a recent assessment, the GPMB has identify the need for financial assistance and debt deferral to provide health resources to poor countries. The report also recommends the immediate establishment of a $10 billion global fund for pandemic prevention and preparedness.

Involvement of Civil Society

The GPMB also says that research and development of new drugs should not limit to a few countries, as was seen during the COVID-19 outbreak. The report also calls for increase involvement of civil society in pandemic preparedness. Co-head of GPMB and former president of Croatia, Kalinda Graber, says that due to mistrust between authorities and the public in various countries, there are difficulties in preparations to deal with epidemics.

Medical Emergency

He stress that leaders must move beyond these divisions. And adopt a new path. Based on the premise that “our secure future. Depends on meaningful reform and political commitment. To prepare for medical emergencies.”

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